Which Sinner Are You?

Three crosses

As Easter approaches, we're all thinking and looking at events that occurred which led up to the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. What particularly stood out for me this year is the two criminals who died alongside Jesus. These two sinful men represent all of us. After all, we are all sinners and we all fall short in so many different ways.

One of the criminals jeered and mocked Jesus. “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” (Luke 23:39). It is very easy to join the crowd and be influenced by those around us. How would you behave in situations that require you to stand up and go against the crowd?

However, one of the criminals took ownership of his sin and appealed to Jesus, saying: "We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom" (Luke 23: 41-42). This man was about to die, but he turned to Jesus for forgiveness and Christ accepts him.

The fact that Jesus himself was in unimaginable suffering and pain, and yet He still finds it in His heart to love and forgive the sinner alongside him. The sinner who repents is also in unbearable agony yet he turns to Jesus in repentance. He doesn't act with anger or bitterness, but instead turns to Jesus speaking out against those who mock our Lord and Saviour and is filled with the Spirit to seek repentance and the everlasting life that only Jesus can give.

We don't know what crime this man has committed, yet Jesus accepts him, inviting him to be alongside him in Paradise. Which of us is free from sin?  Yet Jesus extends the invitation to everyone. It is never too late to turn to God. If you are feeling overwhelmed by guilt at your own wrong doings, then you too can turn to Jesus. Jesus replied: "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23: 43). Jesus doesn't make you feel shame. He is ever present with you through everything and will give you complete forgiveness. Haven't we all felt at some time like that criminal on the cross, weighed down by the guilt of our own sins? Jesus however, offers us mercy and salvation, so take your own cross and lay it at his feet. He will grant you unconditional forgiveness.

The other criminal joins in with his tormentors to insult the Saviour of the World. He witnessed Jesus praying, the salvation of the other thief, saw the world go dark and heard Jesus's words, yet he still turned away from the one who could save him. He was in the same pain as the other criminal, yet his pride didn't allow him to ask for repentance, to come to Jesus to be saved. Some of us will experience times where it is difficult to come to Jesus for many reasons, whether that be pride, shame or anger to name but a few. We must remember the sacrifice that was made for us and remember the love Jesus has for us all. Approach God with an open heart, asking for forgiveness and see how a relationship with Him brings love, kindness and so much more into your life and those around you.

Jesus paid in full for our sins so that we can be reconciled with God. He gave everything He had, both physically and spiritually in order that we can all have a relationship with Him. Those who believe in Jesus's death and resurrection can live with God for eternity. Don't waste this opportunity to come to know God and recognise the love that He has for you.

Therefore this Easter, think about which of the sinners you are going to be?

Caroline Holding, 28/03/2024